Day: September 20, 2022

Blocks and sunlight depicting paradigm.
Planned Giving Marketing
John Foster

Wake Up and Smell The New Paradigm

Not so long ago, the outlook for fundraising reflected the sunny optimism of the overall economy.  Our donors had secure, well-paying jobs (often two per household); the value of their McMansions and vacation condos was projected to follow an endless upward arc; and when they opened their retirement-plan statements, the ending balance was always gratifyingly larger than the previous month’s.

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Fundraising Image with Growing Plant and Money
Planned Giving Marketing
Viken Mikaelian

The Most Frightening Words in Nonprofit Fundraising — and What We Do so You Don’t Say Them

I’ve written before about the dangers of the DIY (do-it-yourself) mentality in nonprofit fundraising. The most frightening thing is the amount of time you’ll spend doing everything but meeting with donor prospects. Here’s how you can make your fundraising more successful by outsourcing some of your development needs to outside fundraising experts.

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