October 25, 2023
2 PM - 3 PM
35% of adults say they or someone they know experienced familial conflict because of an estate plan issue. *
As an attorney, Jonathan Gudema has seen some messy situations. And he admits some were his fault where he had to learn the hard way. He’s got much to share in this webinar.
About 35% of adults say they or someone they know experienced familial conflict because an estate plan or will was not properly written or put in place. This is a prime opportunity for fundraisers to gain valuable insight into the estate planning process — insight that will allow more comfortable, in-depth discussions about estate planning and planned gifts with donors.
Sign up for our webinar today to take your fundraising game to the next level: Learn what’s at stake, what you can do to better shape legacies, and what questions to ask.
Your donors will thank you for it.
Learn what’s at stake, what you can do to better shape legacies, and what questions to ask donors.
If you can’t initiate the planned giving conversation, begin a dialogue or make the ask, you risk losing the gift to someone who is more prepared.
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