Trust-Based Fundraising
I’ll be blunt: You can get lucky with lust, but you get married and stay married with trust. You’re probably thinking, “What does that have to do with marketing or fundraising?” Well … read on …
I’ll be blunt: You can get lucky with lust, but you get married and stay married with trust. You’re probably thinking, “What does that have to do with marketing or fundraising?” Well … read on …
Do for profits copy nonprofits? Often. Does the nonprofit sector copy the for-profit sector? Not often enough. Read on how being challenged can help our sector.
Extreme achievers (musicians, actors, artists, entrepreneurs, athletes …) have a dark side we don’t often hear about, and sometimes don’t want to hear about. John Lennon was one of them.
We are studying the SECURE Act and its effects on Philanthropy. We will release our take and advise effective ways you can shift your marketing focus to raise more and larger gifts.
Six fundraising experts discuss the future of planned giving and the movement to merge planned giving with major gifts and principal gifts.
Unlike the traditional planned giving newsletter that is challenging to implement, the Newslet addresses your need to deliver your message in an affordable and expeditious manner.
Most nonprofits have a reversed Darwinian approach to new idea generation. Instead of survival of the “fittest” they strive for survival of the “safest.”
Everyone focuses on the importance of planned giving from a financial perspective. When in fact, it’s about legitimacy and credibility. If you have both, the money will follow.
Year-end giving appeals are often poorly planned and executed. The best time to begin is between July and September, and making sure that you have a series of “touches” and not just one mailing planned.
Unfortunately, many in this industry are job hoppers. Why? Because truth be told, fundraising takes hard work and commitment, and many who land in fundraising tend to focus more on transactional duties than on doing their real job.
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