Author: Wayne Olson

People Community Progress
Planned Giving Marketing
Wayne Olson

Give Donors Community

When raising funds, talking with coworkers or even with family, remember that we all want to belong. We all want to feel part of something. In everything you do look for ways to give your donors and staff community and you will succeed.

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Father and son communicating
Planned Giving Marketing
Wayne Olson

Make Your Words Work for You

We can have the greatest product, mission, or idea in the world, but if no one hears it, what good is it? At the same time, we can whisper a good idea, and it can change the world.

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An image of an angry-looking elderly white man holding a cell phone to his ear, to illustrate a PlannedGiving.Com blog about fundraisers needing to be willing to take the tough calls.
Planned Giving Marketing
Wayne Olson

Take the Cranky Calls

We all know them. The phone rings and the caller ID shows this is a call from someone who we know will be trouble. He or she is calling to complain, and it will not be pleasant. Around the room, people suddenly get busy so they will not have to take the dreaded call. Accelerate your career by taking the call!

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