The Human Moment: Why Human-Centered Fundraising Matters

Human-Centered Fundraising

Today, fundraisers are faced with a battery of e-marketing tools. They are tempted to put their hands on everything they can get. “I can contact 2000 prospects with the push of a send key. And it’s cheap!” Well, not quite that cheap. Too much reliance on fundraising technology can hurt your development program. That’s why you need to focus on human-centered fundraising!

The Major Gift Metrics You Need to Track

The Major Gift Metrics You Need to Track

On average, 88% of a nonprofit’s revenue comes from the top 12% of its donors. This shows how crucial major gifts are to an organization’s overall fundraising strategy. Additionally, major donors not only provide nonprofits with sustained financial security but are often co-creators of many programs and initiatives. Learn how to track major gift metrics to succeed with your major donor program.

Nonprofit Video Marketing is Your Organization’s New Best Friend

Video is Your Nonprofit’s New Best Friend

Studies consistently show that businesses using video marketing have phenomenally increased their lead generation. Your nonprofit can enjoy the same success by using video to market your planned and major gifts programs. Here’s why a nonprofit video marketing program is so important for your fundraising efforts.

“But My Donor Prospects Are Different”

"Sophisticated Donor?" Your Prospects Are Human

If you feel your prospects are “really different,” chances are you’re hanging out with a few sophisticated (and detail-oriented) donors and making assumptions about the rest. My hunch is that you are alienating a majority with financial advice and high-brow messaging. Most donor prospects want simple, down-to-earth messaging that makes them want to get involved with your nonprofit!

A Small Nonprofit’s Best Friend


Most smaller charities and almost all Americans do not understand the importance of a Community Foundation and how it serves the public. Here’s why community foundations are so important, and how they can help your non-profit thrive.

Powerful Legacy Society Names. Five Proven Tips.

So, What’s In a Name? Plenty — especially when it comes to naming your legacy society. Choose the wrong name, and you’ll struggle to attract (let alone keep) members. Choose the right name, and your membership will grow and thrive.

Investing in Social Media? Not So Fast.

Investing in Social Media? Not So Fast.

We worked with a client that’s a women’s breast cancer foundation with over two million Facebook followers. This is very impressive. So how did they do it?

Steps to Establish a Planned Giving Program (or… the Kid With the Kite!)

Steps to Establish a Planned Giving Program

It’s true — a kid with a kite! There’s a lesson that fundraisers can learn from the history of Niagara Falls — specifically, about a suspension bridge that, from 1855 to 1897, connected the United States to Canada over the roaring waters. This clearly shows how marketing is behind everything. (And, in a roundabout way, the steps you need to take to establish a planned giving program!)

Let Donors Know: Philanthropy Is Here to Stay

Let Donors Know: Philanthropy Is Here to Stay

In 1900 they predicted that C, X and Q would vanish from our alphabet. 10 years later it was predicted we would have flying bicycles. The U.S. Congressional Calendar predicts that philanthropic incentives may be legislated out of existence sometime soon. That’s not going to happen. Philanthropy is here to stay!