Learn To Say Yes!

People who frequently say “no” value safety and predictability. Nothing wrong with that. But their growth will be slow, and their success will be limited. People who say “yes” value adventure and new experiences. Their growth will be faster and their success, over the long term, will be higher.
Mastering Planned Giving Conversations: Top Tips

Talking to donors about planned giving can be a game-changer for your nonprofit’s future. Planned giving, or including a charitable gift in a will or trust, provides a powerful way for supporters to contribute without impacting their everyday finances. Despite its potential, initiating conversations about legacy giving can be challenging. How do you bring up the topic without feeling awkward or intrusive? How can you convey the profound impact of such gifts while making the process simple and appealing?
Three Effective Ways to Use Testimonials in Major Gifts Fundraising

Maybe you’re stuck drafting a new appeal. Or perhaps your website looks a little flat. It may be that your social media is lacking engagement. When you’re unsure what to do next with your nonprofit messaging, the answer is usually: try a story. Nonprofit storytelling using a testimonial leaves an impression on donors.
Writing Exceptional Emails for Planned Giving Donors

Post-pandemic donors are responding to email at greater rate than ever before. Savvy fundraisers can use this digital momentum to capture an emerging source of tremendous potential: planned giving donors.
5 Elements of Effective Fundraising Appeals

For many nonprofits, the fundraising appeal provides the backbone for year-end, fiscal year-end, and annual campaigns. The appeal, often a direct mail letter or e-blast, frames the most important concepts surrounding your nonprofit and encourages donors to join the cause. Because an appeal is so essential, fundraisers must begin with a solid foundation for this fundraising strategy. Follow these five elements of effective fundraising appeals as a useful template for all of your upcoming appeals.
Dementia in Family and Friends

It’s been two years since my mom died. But in my mind, she had already passed away seven years ago, with the onset of dementia.
Five Key Tips to Become a More Active Listener

Being an active listener ranks highly as a skill valued in any profession. However effective listening skills prove even more useful in a relationship-building job like fundraising. In fact, becoming an empathic listener is one of the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.
A few simple tips can help you retrain yourself into becoming a better listener. Read on to learn the top five habits to help you build active listening skills.
Energize Your Board with a Board Mentorship Program

Sometimes it seems like every nonprofit is currently searching for engaged, committed board members. You may live in a place where the usual CEOs, entrepreneurs, and political figures’ list of board assignments is already too lengthy to ask them to add your nonprofit too.
One Place to Never Use AI in Major Gifts Fundraising

Artificial intelligence is today’s most relentless buzzword, as teachers, bosses, online daters, and everyone else learns the advantages and disadvantages of allgorithm-predicted answers in our daily lives. But there is one place in your development department where AI does not belong.
Difference Between Charity and Philanthropy

Philanthropy is a longer-term option for making gifts to help people in need over multiple years’ time while charity focuses on immediate relief to the needy.