10 Reasons to Donate from Your Retirement Plan
Donating from your retirement assets can potentially save your heirs from double taxation. By making a gift to a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, there’s no income or estate or inheritance tax due on your retirement plan assets passing to them. Plus, you can also take advantage of the IRA Charitable Rollover or make gifts that count as your RMD. And the best part? You can make a big impact on a cause you care about while investing in your own legacy and long-term happiness. Find out more about the benefits of donating from your retirement plan.
IRA Qualified Charitable Distributions
Sometimes the IRA Qualified Charitable distribution is referred to as an IRA Rollover gift. This is a sloppy and misleading term, because an IRA Rollover is another distinct process. Better to use the term IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD).
SECURE Act / Note to Clients and Friends
Don’t let legislation paralyze your planned giving marketing efforts.
SECURE Act / Webinar
Your donors will be asking about SECURE, so you’d better know the facts and be ready with the answers — all of the answers. You need to position yourself as an expert resource.
Start With Their Dreams
Do you know how to tap into a donor’s motivation to give? Have you nailed “the Passion Question?”