Category: Estate Planning

An image of a frustrated, grieving woman sitting over a laptop computer, to illustrate a Plannedgiving.Com blog post about the importance of women's estate planning.
Gail Rodgers

An Estate-Planning Guide Just For Women

Did you know that on average, women live five to seven years longer than men? This means any changes in finances, inheritance, or guardianship can complicate the estate planning process. It also means women often spend more time and resources on long-term or end-of-life care.

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Online Will Planner on iPhone Tablet
Estate Planning
Patrick O'Donnell

Online Will Planners: Interview With Viken Mikaelian

[An Interview With Viken Mikaelian.] After seeing vendors like Freewill, Nonprofit Docs, LegalZoom and other vendors popularize an online will planning module, it just made sense for us to develop our own. After all, we’re in the planned giving marketing business, and this is just one more way we can help our clients succeed.

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Tax Law Secure Act 2.0
Estate Planning
Russell Willis III, J.D., LL.M.

Secure Act 2.0: Legacy IRA (Lite)

It has taken nearly twenty years of persistent lobbying by a handful of key players in the nonprofit sector, and in the end they had to accept some steep compromises, but as of January 1st, if you are age 70-1/2 or older, you can make a direct “rollover” from your traditional IRA into a charitable remainder trust or a gift annuity contract.

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Planning your will online
Estate Planning
Viken Mikaelian

Online Will Planning: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Over the past few years there has been a proliferation of online will planners, spurred on in large part by the number of people who adopted a no-contact, do-it-yourself approach to everything they could during the pandemic. Some are embracing the wave, some are despising it. Join our webinar to find out more.

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Estate Planning
Patrick O'Donnell

If You Don’t Write Your Will …

Don’t write your will and when you die, you’ll be declared “intestate” … a fancy word that essentially means, “they didn’t think a will was important, so now the government gets to decide what to do with all their stuff.” Read this article to learn why you should write your will today!

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A photo of a glamorous woman surrounded by photographers, to illustrate a post about celebrities who died without a will. Dying without a will is also called dying intestate.
Viken Mikaelian

Celebrities Who Died Without A Will: A Study in Poor Estate Planning

Why do only rich people have wills? Because they have the luxury to afford it. NOT. I think you’ll be surprised at the number of rich and famous people who died without a will —or didn’t have an updated will—when they left this earth. Each eventually left behind a fortune, but millions (and millions!) of dollars was wasted on lawyers, avoidable taxes, and lawsuits.

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Planned Gift Donor
Viken Mikaelian

Does a Planned Gift Donor Need a Lawyer to Draft a Will?

One of the most frequently asked questions in planned giving is whether or not a planned gift donor needs a lawyer to write their will. In this article, we answer the question, and give some important fundraising tips for your non-profit.

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A $500 Million Estate And No Estate Plan
Viken Mikaelian

A $500 Million Estate …. And No Estate Plan

Did you hear that former Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh died intestate? Now his family, friends, and business associates are apparently fighting over a bunch of deals and agreements that were scribbled on thousands of sticky notes plastered all over the walls of his Utah mansion. Don’t make the same mistake. Don’t die without an estate plan that keeps your legacy intact!

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Contemporary Women and Wealth
Viken Mikaelian

Contemporary Women and Wealth

Which would you choose: buying yourself a pair of Jimmy Choos, or the opportunity to help someone else buy much-needed shoes? In this article, we discuss women and wealth… and in particular, how your non-profit can raise more money from the women, who statistically outlive men and thus control the wealth of most families during prime planned giving years.

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