Online Will Makers: Eliminating the Stigma
I’ve always felt that encouraging donors to create a will is in the best interests of any nonprofit. After all, they can’t leave you a planned gift without one.
I’ve always felt that encouraging donors to create a will is in the best interests of any nonprofit. After all, they can’t leave you a planned gift without one.
Many nonprofits have found a welcome source of revenue through monthly donors in the years since the pandemic. These repeat donors are your best planned giving prospects. Why? You are always on their minds.
Do you know what CGA’s are? Is your non profit offering them? The donor benefits are even more attractive than before, so if your nonprofit is not currently offering CGAs, now is the time to start!
In this fast-paced ever-changing world, the nonprofit landscape can ebb and flow on a year-to-year basis. So how does your nonprofit remain relevant while navigating the internal and external opportunities and pressures that impact the organization?
Some people will be able to postpone taking Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) to a later date. Once we reach a certain age, we must begin taking distributions from our retirement accounts, such as IRAs, 401(k)s, and 403(b)s. The amount of these distributions is determined by a specific calculation that takes into account our age and the total balance of the account. Generally, the older we get, the larger these distributions get so that the account is as close to $0.00 as possible when we die.
Over the past few years there has been a proliferation of online will planners, spurred on in large part by the number of people who adopted a no-contact, do-it-yourself approach to everything they could during the pandemic. Some are embracing the wave, some are despising it. Join our webinar to find out more.
There are thousands of fundraising tactics out there—hundreds of ways to find donor, to communicate with them, and to ask them for money. There are some things that every nonprofit can be doing to raise more money and boost their development program. Here are ten ways to boost your nonprofit fundraising strategy.
Great donor stewardship is essential for your non-profit. The stewardship process starts with the thank you letter. If your supporters don’t feel properly thanked, it is highly unlikely that they will continue to give. In this article, we’re going to show you how to write an amazing major donor thank you letter for your non-profit organization.
Even seasoned fundraisers sometimes have trouble initiating a conversation. However when you possess the ability to have an effective, engaging conversation, your prospects suddenly turn into donors; your donors turn into repeat donors; planned gifts increase, along with major and annual gifts; and your reputation grows (along with your career).
“The appeal letter has had a huge impact! We are starting to get in responses to the appeal — some very positive … and some very angry. We can’t do this again.”
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