A Small Nonprofit’s Best Friend


Most smaller charities and almost all Americans do not understand the importance of a Community Foundation and how it serves the public. Here’s why community foundations are so important, and how they can help your non-profit thrive.

Powerful Legacy Society Names. Five Proven Tips.

So, What’s In a Name? Plenty — especially when it comes to naming your legacy society. Choose the wrong name, and you’ll struggle to attract (let alone keep) members. Choose the right name, and your membership will grow and thrive.

Investing in Social Media? Not So Fast.

Investing in Social Media? Not So Fast.

We worked with a client that’s a women’s breast cancer foundation with over two million Facebook followers. This is very impressive. So how did they do it?

Steps to Establish a Planned Giving Program (or… the Kid With the Kite!)

Steps to Establish a Planned Giving Program

It’s true — a kid with a kite! There’s a lesson that fundraisers can learn from the history of Niagara Falls — specifically, about a suspension bridge that, from 1855 to 1897, connected the United States to Canada over the roaring waters. This clearly shows how marketing is behind everything. (And, in a roundabout way, the steps you need to take to establish a planned giving program!)

Let Donors Know: Philanthropy Is Here to Stay

Let Donors Know: Philanthropy Is Here to Stay

In 1900 they predicted that C, X and Q would vanish from our alphabet. 10 years later it was predicted we would have flying bicycles. The U.S. Congressional Calendar predicts that philanthropic incentives may be legislated out of existence sometime soon. That’s not going to happen. Philanthropy is here to stay!

Is Your Planned Giving Website Up-To-Date?

Is Your Planned Giving Website Up-To-Date?

Your donors and prospects are online researching – And their numbers are growing. If you don’t have a compelling web presence, you simply do not exist. Here’s why your planned giving website needs to be kept up to date, and how to do it easily!

Are My Donors and Prospects Using the Internet?

Are My Donors and Prospects Using the Internet?

U.S. seniors use the Internet more than their younger counterparts and are the fastest growing sector of the PC-purchasing public. And according to Pew Research, four out of ten seniors now own smartphones, which is more than double than in 2013. And the rate of online adoption also increases with wealth.

Overkill Marketing

Overkill Marketing

Overkill marketing is a simple way to get your prospects tune you out without trying. Don’t make that mistake. Here’s how to market the right way to keep your donors giving year in and year out.