The Future of Planned Giving

The Future of Planned Giving

Six fundraising experts discuss the future of planned giving and the movement to merge planned giving with major gifts and principal gifts.

It’s the Marketing, Stupid.

It’s the Marketing, Stupid.

Most nonprofits have a reversed Darwinian approach to new idea generation. Instead of survival of the “fittest” they strive for survival of the “safest.”

Planned Giving: It’s About Legitimacy

Planned Giving: It's About Legitimacy

Everyone focuses on the importance of planned giving from a financial perspective. When in fact, it’s about legitimacy and credibility. If you have both, the money will follow.

CRATs, nOObs, and Other Acronyms

Start your week with a laugh:

Like cell phones, social media and text messages, acronyms have taken over our lives. But we had planned giving acronyms long before the birth of texts. What else does a CRAT stand for? Read and find out.

In Other Words…

In Other Words…

Again and again, Dr. Russell James found that formal and technical terms reduce the chances that a prospective donor will be interested in making a planned gift. And we’ve been saying that since 1998. Yet, many nonprofits still do not take the advice.

The Planned Giving Productivity Quiz

stop multitasking

Planned giving productivity. It’s not about learning calculators, CRUTs and CRATs. Here are 5, simple helpful tips for you career — and mental health.

Planned Gifts Take Too Long!

Planned Gifts Take Too Long!

Planned gifts are not always deferred. Some provide immediate cash, some come in sooner than you think, and here are a few tips to accelerate them.