What a Difference a “Comma” Makes
“Oh, you’re one of those people who care about the black squiggly marks,” the Director of Development told me.
Pigeon Poop. Lear Jets. Planned Giving Newsletters. Direct Mail. And More …
A direct mail campaign that’s not so vanilla. Only in the for-profit world. Would you have had the stomach for it?
Tiger Woods, Defining Moments, Nonprofits, Lies and Life, Honesty
Remember when news broke that Tiger Woods was cheating — not at golf, but on his wife? The media jumped all over the story.
Thinking of Switching Jobs?
There is a perception that many fundraisers are job-hoppers, never staying in one role or with one organization for long.
10 Habits of Successful People
Here are ten tips that I’ve developed by studying — and emulating — the habits of people who live the good life.
Future of Planned Giving
Wondering What’s Ahead? Stop speculating and find out what the movement to merge planned giving with major gifts and principal gifts really means. Download our special report [PDF; instant free download]. Our panel of six industry experts covers topics including, “What are the pros and cons of a merge?” “What are the implications for planned giving as a specialty?” “When is it time to ‘outsource’ gift planning?” and “What can the car industry teach the philanthropy sector? Jeff Comfort Camilyn Leone, Esq. Dr. Scott Janney Scott Lumpkin Lisa Repko Lynne Ierardi, JD Download our Special Report. Thanks to Dr. Rebecca Janney for conducting the interviews. New to planned giving? Learn how gift planning vehicles work (a 100 mile high review with videos). Or purchase The Ultimate Quick Reference Planned Giving Pocket Guide. Categories: Giving, Self Improvement
Don’t Look at the Wall
Two great quotes from Mario Andretti: “If everything seems under control you are not going fast enough.” and “Don’t look at the wall.”
On Productivity, Planned Giving and Your Career
Do you set daily goals? Do you think multitasking is helpful? Do you know the difference between motion and action? These 8 hacks will get your productivity — and your career — energized.
How to Be Massively Productive
What is the single biggest excuse people use to not do things they say they want to do? Wait for it… (No pun intended.) “I don’t have time.” We’re about to blow that excuse away.
Do You Know This Magic Key Question?
My colleague was at her wits’ end with a donor we’ll call Philip. Everything about Philip screamed MAJOR DONOR OF THE HIGHEST LEVEL! He had all three As of a great donor prospect.