Donor Stories Motivate and Inspire Others to Give

Donor Stories Motivate Others to Give

Donor stories are among the most effective ways to reach and engage with your audience. Your donors want to make a difference — and they want to be a key part of your winning team. There is a mountain of evidence for nonprofits: donor stories work.

That’s why it’s important to have a system in place to pursue, record and share donor stories.

The problem, for most fundraisers, is finding the time to do it all, and do it well.

Donors are always happy to talk … and talk, and talk, and talk … when you ask them, “What’s your story?”

That’s a good thing. As long as you have plenty of:

  • Time to interview
  • Time to write
  • Time to track down a good photo
  • Time to schedule and reschedule
  • Time to review, edit and re-edit, and
  • Time for final approval

And time is the one thing you don’t have. Collecting donor stories is important, but you need to do it in a cost-effective (and time-effective) way.


What’s the solution for collecting and using donor stories without wasting time or resources at your organization? Hire a professional agency to do it for you instead! Let them handle the interviewing, writing, editing, and photo collecting. If it’s the right professional, they can even thank your donor in a way that makes him or her feel like a hero. The agent’s duties will include to:

  • Keep an interview on track
  • Ask the right questions
  • Find the heart of a story
  • Get the details to make it stand out
  • Write a story that shines

Your result? A more emotionally bonded donor and a compelling story to post on your planned giving website or in your Donor Album.


Find out how we can handle this entire donor story process for you at

Discover why planned giving is “hot” these days and take action today.

 Categories: Relationships, Stewardship

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