Michael Rhodes

Certified Gift Planner

Michael Rhodes is a certified gift planner with a focus on planned giving programming utilizing strategic marketing materials.
He received his certification from Robert Sharp and Associates, Memphis Tennessee and has directed planned and major gift departments at Spelman College, Atlanta as well as the Archdiocese of Boston and Newark, New Jersey.

Development in a stewardship framework refers directly to planned, systematic and intentional growth through relationship building. There is a basic, underlying understanding that self-giving is good for personal health and vitality.

Planned Gifts provide for long-term funding infusions from the transfer of capital assets as opposed to a gift from the individuals current income. Planned giving programs incorporate all gifts of perpetuity, and corporate and foundation funding, as well as educational opportunities through seminars, legacy societies, and educational-based programming to assist individuals in making end of life decisions.

Planned giving programs are critical in the long-term growth plan of institutions with a historic profile with the primary purpose of acquiring, managing, and investing major gifts and endowment funds for the benefit of programming, activities, and various mission-related events. These pooled funds provide the maximum potential earnings to benefit all.

Planned giving can simply consist of a local legacy society that thanks and acknowledges those individuals that have joined with others to elevate the charity into their estate plans. These gifts will be the largest gift that a member will give in their lifetime.

Michael S. Rhodes
Certified Gift Planner
404.599.1204 Direct
