Monthly Donors Should Be On Your Planned Giving Prospect List

Monthly Calendars

Did you know you already have a fantastic, built-in audience for marketing planned gifts?

I’m talking about your nonprofit’s annual, monthly (and consistent) donors, of course. Many nonprofits have found a welcome source of revenue through monthly donors in the years since the pandemic.

Often, these monthly donations are set up through an automatic payment plan, like a subscription.  It’s simple, painless, and easy on the donor — all wins in any philanthropy book.

Now, generally speaking, these annual gifts are not very large — depending on your organization, you might see gifts that average between $5 and $100, maybe more.

No matter the amount — as the saying goes, it all adds up.

“But what’s all this got to do with planned giving?” you ask.

Well, here’s where things get really interesting: Any repeat donor is your best planned giving prospect!

It’s a mantra we’ve preached for years: When going through your prospect list, always screen for repeat donors — those folks who’ve given at least 10 to 15 times, no matter the amount. These folks are your most loyal supporters

The same principal holds true for your monthly donors: They care enough to give monthly—why wouldn’t they care enough to include you in their estate plans?

Something else we’ve said for years—and the studies back it up—is that your best planned giving prospects aren’t the millionaires and billionaires of the world. That’s the realm of major gifts.

Planned giving is “philanthropy for the rest of us” — just like monthly gifts and that loyal donor who’s sent you \$20 every year for the last 10 years.

So if you have some sort of monthly donor plan (and if you don’t, you should), include those folks in your prospect list the next time you’re preparing a planned giving marketing blast.

And if you don’t have a planned giving program yet, what are you waiting for?

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