15 solid questions with reasons behind each one!
People skills are far more important than technical skills. Why? Because people give to people, not to institutions.
Yet sometimes, even the most socially adept among us need a little help to get the conversation started. That’s why we’ve developed these 15 conversation starters. They will help break the ice, establish trust, and get you started on the path to building a meaningful, mutually beneficial relationship.
This isn’t a marketing calendar — this is a detailed, step-by-step weekly blueprint to build your planned giving marketing program for success. This easy to implement (yet highly effective) marketing program will show you exactly what to do — and when to do it. Even better, you can start at any time of the year you want!
Includes complete instructions with follow-up plan. Marketing documents, brochures and templates not included in the free download.
A visual summary on how giving vehicles work. You’ve seen these in the back of “fancy brochures” that only large institutions can afford. You can now have them at a fraction of the cost. All you’ll need is your graphic designer to add your logo and you’re done. Download a sample “Sell” Sheet (PDF)
A complete set of marketing tools — free for clients and friends.
Includes social media tags, follow-up emails and more.
Compare benefits and features for each planned giving “gifting vehicle” side-by-side. Use it with advisors, board members, or simply to educate your staff. Originally created by Deborah Blackmore, John Foster, and Viken Mikaelian at the University of Pennsylvania.
Discover numerous templates, tools, publications, guides and advice.
Note: We’ve moved all of our content to our downloads section that’s hosted at GiftPlanning.Org.
You need to ask a quality question to get a quality answer. Here’s a list of 31 sample questions you can adapt to your own interviews. Consider variations on these in the framework of the situation — the interview’s purpose, the story you are writing, the donor’s personality and life experiences, etc. Context is everything. These are not meant to be asked in any particular order, or even in every situation.
A landing page is a way to follow up to any promises or references you’ve made in your direct mail or echo emails. Its goal is to become the next step toward a prospect to inquire more information about different ways to give or leaving a legacy.
Get your message heard. Use these files on your planned giving website for more clarity.
They’re free!
This is the definitive resource for professional gift planners. It covers all of the relevant information you’ll ever need as far as technical details go.
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