Gary Bukowski
Throughout my career I have seen the impact of powerful stories. When we capture the story of those we are helping, and make those stories as personal as possible, we bring alive the donor's passion to give and become part of your mission, today and into the future.
You can describe all the different, technical ways to make a gift, but those descriptions don't inspire. But when you tell a powerful story, magic happens.
And don’t rely just on written stories — make donor stories part of your oral, day-to-day conversations with everyone that you interact with. Storytelling is the most important tool you have … put it to use today and see the difference firsthand.
Patrick O'Donnell
From politicians and police officers to celebrities, crooks, and CEOs, our senior editor Patrick O’Donnell has asked his fair share of questions — and now you can benefit from his experience. Patrick spent over 20 years in journalism as both a writer and an editor. That means he’s done a lot of interviews, and not all of them with friendly interviewees. He knows how to ask questions, navigate prickly subjects, and get answers — without offending your prospect and donor.
Donor Stories Motivate Others to Give and Generate Second Time Gifts
Legacy giving storytelling is the most effective way to inspire your audience. Stories carry power.
Your donors want to make a difference — they want to be a key in your winning team. That’s why it’s important to have a system in place to pursue, record and share their stories. The problem, for most fundraisers, is finding the time to do it and do it well. Donors are always happy to talk … and talk, and talk, and talk … when you ask them, “What’s your story?” That’s a good thing. As long as you have plenty of:
And Time Is One Thing You Don't Have.
Solution? Let us do it for you instead. We’ll handle the interviewing, writing, editing, and photo collecting. And we’ll thank your donor in a way that makes him or her feel like a hero. We know how to:
The result? A more emotionally bonded donor and a compelling story to post on your planned giving website or on a Donor Album. (Yes, we’ll handle that, too.)
6 Elements Your Donors Want to See in Your Donor Stories
(PDF Download)
6 Tips for Powerful Planned Giving Stories
(PDF Download)
101 Clever Questions that Unlock Planned Gifts
Go to Downloads
[Stories can be informal such as this or carry a longer, more formal format and with more detail. Either way, they all work!]
I'm so thankful to have been a child rescued from abuse of all sorts.
I was hungry and the staff at Sarah Reed fed me.
I was dirty and they gave me my bath, soap, shampoo and deodorant.
I had no clothes and they clothed me.
I had a filthy bed from the roadside - cotton and springs showing - and I was given a clean bed to sleep in.
I came in with nothing and they gave me so much.
I came crying and they wiped my tears.
I came mad and unstable in many ways, but they didn't give up on me.
I'm 58 years old tomorrow and I have been thinking, why did you look down on yourself because you lived at Sarah A. Reed Children's Center?
I look back today, and I found I was saved and well taken care of. As a child, I didn't see that because I was so messed up. Thank you, Sarah A. Reed Children's Center, for loving children like us.
God made sure I was ok. Now I know I was so blessed to be there.
See bottom of page for using a planned giving explainer video with your donor story.
The Secret Sauce of Fundraising Success
Lynn Malzone Ierardi, JD, CFRE, University of Pennsylvania
Donor stories can be linked to a specific explainer video on how a gift, mentioned in the donor story, works. In addition, donor stories used in Ways-of-Giving brochures make a powerful impact.
Over 15 videos that can be branded. Topics include blended gifts, donor advised funds, qualified charitable distributions (QCD / IRA Rollover), charitable gift annuities (CGAs) and more.
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