Harvard would love what your church has. So would all nonprofits. It’s your captive audience — an audience that’s been a challenge for you to educate the benefits of planned giving. Yet you meet with them every Sunday and your challenge still continues.
Your parishioners are your acres of diamonds. But you need to go beyond the collection plate. We have developed a toolkit that includes everything you need including a planned giving website that covers all essential planned gifts and how they work.
The package even includes outreach materials for you to use in your direct mail and publications. It even includes language to use from the pulpit that you can modify and adapt to your style. And now you have the option to incorporate the LegacyPlanner™ — an online will planning module that’s free to your donors.
This planned giving website (a Microsite as we call it) is perfect for the smaller church that is starting or establishing a new planned giving program or expanding an existing program online.
Please read all of the frequent questions at the bottom of this page. Everything you need to know is here! And don’t forget the story of Bob, R.I.P.
As an option, all planned giving websites can now incorporate the LegacyPlanner™ — our online will-planning service your donors can use for free.
No legalese. User-friendly.
For the visually minded.
We do all the work.
The "How" shows them the way.
But there’s a much greater reason. There’s a lack of understanding about what planned giving is. Many church leaders — elders, trustees, pastors — have either never heard of it, or the whole idea scares them. (If the church can’t talk to their congregation about end of life decisions, who can?)
Simple planned giving pages online and our 8-page planned giving marketing guide and calendar (PDF) are great places to start (doing half the action items in the guide won’t even cost you a dollar).
You will also receive three (3) copies of The Ultimate Quick Reference Planned Giving Pocket Guide and Gift Comparison Chart. These are valuable planned giving educational resources for you and your board members. See additional items below.
About 5 minutes of your time (you fill out a form and give us a photo or two). The rest of the work is on us.
In the nonprofit world, successful organizations use planned giving as a critical component in their fundraising engine. This is, for many churches, a relatively new avenue for donations and revenue — and, as with all new things, brings a fear of the unknown. We help you better understand why planned giving is important to your church’s financial well-being— and we take the mystery and fear out of the process.
We can help your church establish an online planned giving presence to encourage planned gifts from your congregation and supporters.
It’s also a good way to have Google begin indexing your website to let your board, donors and the rest of the world know that your church is able to accept planned gifts.
Just $995oo /year
Includes hosting, content, and updates. See additional outreach on right.
Chris McLeod, JD: Because the money is there, but your parishioners are making their gifts to other charities that have more robust planned giving programs. The United States may consider itself the most religious Western nation, but its churches rank near the bottom of U.S. charities in soliciting and closing major and planned gifts. Having planned giving pages online is the first step toward reversing this trend.
Only 5% of this nation’s wealth is in cash. The majority is in assets. Your parishioners can’t put gifts of stock, real estate or life insurance in the collection basket — but they can make those gifts to your mission through a planned giving program. Planned gifts are significantly larger than annual gifts: The typical completed planned gift is 200 times the size of a donor’s largest annual gift..
Because your parishioners either don’t know about it, or don’t understand it. Studies show the same prospects who receive and respond to planned giving promotions from schools, hospitals and cultural organizations haven’t heard that their church has to build its endowment and wants them to consider a planned gift. This is where a simple marketing program that includes an online presence and plain, simple descriptions of gift options is critical.
Your congregation is perfect for a planned giving program. Low- and middle-class parishioners are giving the most —a 2015 Sharefaith article shows people with a salary of less than $20,000 are eight times more likely to give than someone who makes $75,000. Many of your parishioners want to give (or want to give more), but feel like they’re not in a financial position to do so. Planned gifts allow them to donate with no financial impact during their lifetimes. largest annual gift..
You can’t afford not to have a planned giving program. In addition, planned giving is more of a mindset — it does not cost much to create and maintain a small program.
According to The Giving Institute, charitable giving is up in the United States, but the percentage of those giving to churches has dropped — from 53 percent in 1987 to 32 percent in 2015. A planned giving program shows parishioners your church takes philanthropy just as seriously as the other nonprofits they’re giving to — and it allows them to give without affecting their day-to-day budgets.
This is an extremely affordable, turnkey product that includes hosting and content. It’s designed specifically for churches, and we do all the work. You just supply some information and a few pictures.
On the contrary. Studies show that after someone has made a planned gift, his or her monthly and yearly cash gifts go up as well.
We offer higher-end solutions here. And we offer complete planned giving marketing solutions and collateral, such as direct mail, brochures, and estate planning toolkits, just to name a few. We also offer numerous leave-behind pieces for donors and board members.
The biggest advantage of this products is that it gets you a robust, affordable planned giving website, fast. No fuss, no muss, exceptional quality.
At this price, however, customization is limited. Organizations with strict branding and marketing guidelines may be better served with our LegacyPro website or Planned Giving in a Box.
Our Micro Website is a good way to have Google begin indexing your website to let your board, donors and the rest of the world know that you are in the planned giving business.
If you are looking for a product with more customization options, consider the LegacyPRO Planned Giving Website series.
Your final option would be doing it in-house. Your return on investment would be in the negative, however, as it is quite complicated to structure such a product and quite costly to keep it current.
Related Tools
After you purchase the product you will receive an email requesting:
This will be given to you when it is done. But it will be a very simple link under plannedgiving.org (a trusted URL that we own that also helps you with SEO on Google). The link will most likely be: yourname.plannedgiving.org.
Yes, for a small additional fee. Please inquire.
Yes. But there is really not much to approve other than your photo and making sure your name is correct throughout.
This is a turnkey product and it’s designed to be quick and inexpensive.
We’ll send you a URL, along with simple instructions. Pass these along to your IT manager/website design team. It should take them about 2 minutes to connect the microsite to your organization’s main site.
As many places as possible. Link from any of your donation pages; from a drop down on your organization’s homepage … you can even add links under staff email signatures.
You can also add it to donor stories. Place a version of the following sample copy at the end of the story, and use it as a text link to your new microsite: You too can make a gift that costs nothing during your lifetime.
Such context-sensitive links increase your visibility not only to your donors, but also to search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and DuskDuckGo.
Very little. This is not designed to be a customizable product. It is designed to be turnkey… this is what keeps its price low, and producing it quick.
You are limited to a banner photo, your organization’s name throughout (including a “short name” or an abbreviated name so there’s a conversational style), your team’s contact information with their photos and optional LinkedIn addresses.
If you are interested in a more customizable product that also houses much more information including interactive features, you can begin with our more advanced planned giving websites and gift planning solutions.
Yes. We’re ahead of you there. Not all nonprofits wish to accept all gift plans. On your initial questionnaire you will have a checklist.
This gift planning solution is designed to get you started.
The content of these pages is “infused” from a platform on a central database. Revisions would be very costly, and will affect all of our other nonprofits. Requested editorial changes are reviewed by our team (two attorneys and a copywriter). They are considered only if we find the changes to be an enhancement, and if they appeal to a large audience.
We offer solutions for the very small charity to organizations such as Harvard Business School and American Heart Association. Our more robust solutions have more customization options.
Less than a week — assuming we have all of your information.
Once you purchase this service, you will receive a link that informs you what we need. It’s a 5 minute form, if that.
One of the items we will need is a large photo for the home page banner. If you do not have one, we can supply you with several stock photography options.
The limited amount of branding we can offer on this planned giving website reduces the man hours required to maintain it. This way we pass the savings to you.
This is a turnkey product. We do all the work.
Only 5% of this nation’s wealth is in cash. The majority is in assets. It is critical for any nonprofit to let donors know that they are in the planned giving “business.”
Having planned giving pages online is the first step.
The second step is making sure you have your basic bread-and-butter” gift planning brochures.
Our goal is to save you time and aggravation. At only $495 per year, it will cost you more (in time and money) to implement such a product yourself. We also keep the content fresh on a regular basis, add/tweak features, announce tax law updates, improve the platform, etc.
In addition, our content is copyrighted and can only be hosted on our servers. So focus on what you do best… raising money!
Planned gifts are important for a number of reasons:
We offer far-above industry standard planned giving marketing solutions and collateral, such as direct mail, brochures, and estate planning toolkits, just to name a few. We also have numerous leave-behind pieces for donors and board members such as Estate Planning Guides for women, Beques brochures in Spanish, and more.
True. However, by eliminating extensive (and expensive) branding options, we have made this planned giving marketing website relatively simple to implement. As it helps you grow, we hope you stay with us for more robust planned giving marketing solutions.
Here’s a PDF that clearly outlines the differences.
Click here to purchase. It’s as easy as buying coffee on Amazon.
Because of the low price, we accept credit card payments only (reduces administrative costs).
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Please reach out. Note: if you give us your mailing address (or PO Box), we’ll send you a complimentary Planned Giving Gift Comparison Chart.