Legacy Giving In a Box

Focus on What Matters the Most

Logo - Legacy Giving in a Box

Includes LegacyOrganizer™

What For

The Box is an indispensable tool for those beginning a new program, strengthening an existing one, or putting the “house in order.”

Who For

The Box is for any nonprofit with a small to medium-sized shop on a tight budget who prefers a “do-it-yourself” approach.

Implementing The Box is an education in itself. This means it will help your career, too.

Why So

Legacy Giving in a Box® is turnkey and contains all you need. Tips; step-by-step instructions; professional advice; customizable forms; marketing content; templates; thank 'yous' and much more.

It provides clarity and purpose to strengthen relationships and outcomes and helps your organization grow.

Features & Contents

A turnkey all-inclusive solution. Each Module also available separately.

  • LegacyLite Website (Bequests and BD's)

    92.5% of all planned gifts are Bequests and Beneficiary Designations. That's our focus. All other planned gifts are summarized.

  • Massive Outreach

    Marketing Outreach that's updated every year. Includes content, brochures, postcards, tools and more.

  • Special Occasions

    Estate Planning Month, Giving Tuesday, Make-A-Will Week and others. Targeted tools and email templates for special occasions including year-end, Thanksgiving, Valentine's Day and more.

  • Brochure Templates

    Ways-of-Giving brochures, transactional "in-touch" pieces, estate planning brochures, QCD/IRA Rollover brochures and more.

  • Social Media Posts

    Incorporate our snippets online and in your publications.

  • Tools

    Engaging board members, technical "sell" sheets, planned giving guides, gift comparison charts and more.

Back Office Operations (Module II of Legacy Giving in a Box) features simple, manageable, step-by-step tools and know-how to create an effective and “formal” back office to support your planned giving program.

Everything you need to start and maintain operations. Evaluate your mission, get your board on board, create your program’s infrastructure, count and value gifts, create gift acceptance policies, more.

  • How to determine if your mission is appropriate for long-term success
  • Illustrates how endowments advance your mission
  • Engages your board and senior leadership to ensure their investment in your planned giving program
  • Develops planned giving best practices
  • Create Your Program’s Infrastructure
  • Count and Value Gifts
  • Create Gift Acceptance Policies
  • And much more!

It’s a people business. That’s why you need our Stewardship Module.

It contains everything you need to systematically build donor relationships, including tools, tips, and templates. Learn how to identify prospects, understand generational cohorts, make the approach and ask, create a legacy society, and more.

You’ll also learn how to:

  • Create gifts through wills, retirement plans, life insurance designations
  • Develop a prospect profile
  • Develop a name, brand, and story
  • Identify significant life events and transitions
  • Hold and manage fundraising events
  • And much more!


The Box, Complete
$7,995 (one-time fee)


  • Outreach + LegacyLite Planned Giving Website
  • Back Office Module
  • Stewardship Module

(Renewal of LegacyLite thereafter: $3,995 per year)

Each module can also be purchased separately:

$3,995 per year

$2,995 (one-time fee)

$2,995 (one-time fee)


  • Planned Giving Website

    Focus on Bequests and Beneficiary Designations.

  • LegacyOrganizer™

    Will-planner motivates donors to name you in their estate plans.

  • Carrying the Brand

    Your website hosted under Legacy.Gifts.

  • Donor Experience

    FAQs let's the donor know you care and lessens your burden of memorizing all the answers.

  • Analytics Tracking

    Track and discover how well your marketing outreach is working.

Please reach out. Note: if you give us your mailing address (or PO Box), we’ll send you a complimentary Planned Giving Gift Comparison Chart. 

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