Actual hard copy samples available via U.S. Mail.
Use our Thanksgiving postcards to show your gratitude to the people who keep the lights on and help you achieve your mission. (Because without donors, where would your nonprofit be?
Send out our Giving Tuesday postcards to “harness the power of radical generosity.” What better way to achieve that goal than with a generous planned gift that will support your mission for generations to come?
Our postcards’ eye-catching designs cut through clutter and stand out in a noisy world. And because they’re easy to read, your donors will get the message at a glance — no envelopes to tear open, no long letters to read, no gimmicks. Just an efficient, simple, donor-centric message that will touch their hearts and keep your organization top of mind.
We have multiple taglines and designs to choose from — or you can create your own. All postcards are customized with your photos, logo and contact information, making it easy for donors to find your website or reach you.
Thanksgiving is one of the most appropriate times of year to thank your donors for everything they do, and our postcards are the perfect way to do it. And don’t forget: This is a holiday that’s all about family. Remind your donors to protect their loved ones and their legacy by creating a will and including a bequest that benefits your organization.
Get yours today and beat the mail rush.
Postcards sell the sizzle, not the steak. One day, the right card will arrive at the right time with the right message when the prospect is in the right mood.
With over 150 proven taglines, why waste time and effort creating something that already exists?
Please note: Most of our original samples include copyrighted material. Please respect us by not “borrowing” them. Copying is theft.
Postcards are an affordable way to keep your nonprofit (and your planned giving message) top of mind. A postcard is eye-catching, quick and easy to read, and much more likely to reach your audience than an email or a digital ad. Why? Because it cuts through the clutter and stands out in a noisy world.
Postcards also work to direct readers back to your planned giving website for more information. Once on your site, visitors are enticed to read donor stories, learn about your Legacy Society, and discover ways-of-giving that will boost your endowment while building their legacy.
We recommend at least four times a year. The more “touches” the better. Postcards do this economically. Marketing 101: the more you mail, conversions become disproportionately higher.
Planning on just sending out one postcard? Chances are your response rate will be extremely low.
Mail to your consistently loyal donors. There are acres of diamonds in your database, and we can help you find them.
After a brief meeting, we’ll recommend topics. If you have any in mind, let’s discuss it.
We suggest staying away from esoteric topics such as annuity trusts, lead trusts, the generation skipping tax, etc. Donors who plan on such gifts are well-versed or work with advisors. Mass marketing such gift plans leaves the impression that planned gifts are only for the wealthy. When in fact, they are for the average American.
In general, beneficiary designations are the gifts to focus on.
That’s our job. We know marketing, we know design, we know planned giving, and we know your prospects. We do it all: planning, content development, design, production – we’ll even drop the cards in the mail.
No need for endless meetings to develop your postcard. We have it down to a science.
If you have a large budget (and a team to back you up) to send out multiple yearly newsletters by following industry standards, by all means, continue with newsletters. If you only plan to send out one to two newsletters per year, you need to consider a new product with a higher ROI, Newslets, in addition to planned giving postcards.
Yes. Complete details are covered on this page.
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