12% of all giving happens in the last 3 days of the year… that’s a 1200% per day difference
About 31% of cash giving occurs in December
52% of nonprofits begin planning year-end appeal in October
November and December are popular for year-end asks; but smart nonprofits begin in August
The last three months of the year nonprofits enjoy a huge uptick in donations. And according to studies by Network for Good, 12% of all giving happens in the last three days of the year.
Which means (gasp!) Giving Tuesday is not the biggest giving day of the year — but it does kick off the biggest giving season.
Be prepared with an effective, multi-channel end-of-year campaign that will drive even more donations to your door. By using a combination of direct mail, social media, and digital outreach materials over the last three months of the year, you can be sure to get your supporters’ attention (and grow your endowment).
Because we’re committed to your success, we’ve prepared a number of free (for clients) and paid marketing materials you can use to craft a highly effective marketing campaign. From e-blasts to social media posts, postcards to appeal letters, we have a little bit of everything to help you build your marketing machine from the ground up.
Remember to measure and analyze web traffic and direct-mail rates for your campaign, so that you can fine-tune it even more for next year.
And of course, don’t forget to send out follow-up thank-you letters in January! All this can be found in our Year-End Outreach.
Countdown for Year-End. Begin Your Marketing Today.
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