Guest Blog Policy


Interested in writing a guest blog for PlannedGiving.Com? We frequently receive requests from industry experts who would like to have an article featured on our popular Give and Take blog (as well as our magazine Giving Tomorrow), which reaches a large audience of fundraisers, development professionals, consultants, and nonprofit decision makers.

Because of the large volume of requests we receive, we’ve created a policy to help you decide if your article is the right fit before you submit.

We welcome any articles that are related to our industry:

  • Philanthropy
  • Fundraising (tips, advice, stories)
  • Planned giving (technical, practical)
  • Legacy Giving or related
  • Major giving
  • Financial
  • Personal development (time management; job hunting, etc.)
  • Professional development
  • Leadership skills

On occasion and depending on the contributor, we will post articles for free. Under normal circumstances, however, such posts require a $400 payment in advance. The blog post will remain on our website for as long as we are in business.

Please note: We value all of your ideas and will do our best to reply to your request in a timely manner. But due to the volume of requests we receive, we are unable to respond to every submission.

If your blog pitch is aligned with the topics outlined above, and we have availability in our editorial calendar, you’ll receive a response rather quickly. Usually within two days.


Our editorial team will review your pitch and make its decision based on a number of factors, including whether your topic is a good fit, SEO viability, and readability.

Your submission must meet our quality standards before we consider it for publication. We reserve the right to pass on contributions that do not meet our editorial standards.

Plagiarism will not be tolerated; any content that is found to be plagiarized will be immediately removed.

If we determine your blog is a good fit, a member of our team will contact you to set up payment and provide you with a date your guest post will run. We will share the post on our usual social media channels, and we encourage you to share it with your network and link back to it.

Published articles will live exclusively on the PlannedGiving.Com blog, Give and Take. In some cases, our editors may contact you about also publishing your post as an article in our monthly magazine, Giving Tomorrow and our second blog at the Center for Major Gifts.

All content decisions are at our editorial team’s discretion and are final.

This means PlannedGiving.Com reserves the right to:

  • Edit and adapt your guest post for search optimization, accuracy, clarity, and new information if it becomes available.
  • Include links and calls-to-action to content and offers, such as downloadable content.
  • Use your guest author photo across our digital and print properties.
  • Remove the post from the blog if it is ever determined to violate our policies.

Types of Posts We Publish

  • Case studies
  • Marketing advice and best practices
  • Donor stories
  • Fundraising advice and best practices
  • Stewardship advice and best practices
  • Success stories: bequests, DAFs, CGAs – what sealed the donation deal?
  • Fundraising and philanthropy news
  • Expert observations on industry trends
  • Personal, professional and leadsrhip development

What We Will Not Accept

  • Anything that may be construed as a link-building scheme.
  • Anything that’s overly promotional.
  • Anything that’s offensive or inaccurate.
  • Anything overly critical of individuals or companies.
  • Anything political.
  • Anything that’s plagiarized (we check).
  • Anything that’s AI generated

Writing tips

Successful contributions teach our readers something new about the world of fundraising, major giving, or planned giving. They are high-quality, informative, concise, SEO-rich, and written using everyday language, not jargon.

Your post must include:

  • Proper attribution of any data, quotes, and outside content.
  • No more than one link to your organization’s website in the body of the post.
  • A brief bio (about 50 words or less) describing your expertise. This section can contain a link to your company bio or LinkedIn profile.
  • Each post shall be no more than 1,100 words. Preferred post length is 600 – 750 words.

 Formatting and Editing Tips

  • Create headings (h1, h2, h3) to organize content.
  • Keep paragraphs short: No more than three or four sentences.
  • Bulleted/numbered lists add visual appeal.
  • Include an introduction and a conclusion. Our platform will repeat your introduction on announcement pages, etc.
  • If you are including images, you must also provide permission to use them and proof that you have permission as well. Otherwise choose from Adobe Stock (send us image numbers as we have a subscription).
  • Run spell check.
  • Ensure all names are spelled correctly.
  • PlannedGiving.Com will not be held responsible for factual errors, broken links, or misinformation contained in your post.

Where to Submit

Ready to share an idea? Great! Be sure to include all your relevant contact information.

We welcome any articles that are related to our industry:

  • Philanthropy
  • Fundraising (tips, advice, stories)
  • Planned giving (technical, practical)
  • Legacy Giving or related
  • Major giving
  • Financial
  • Personal development (time management; job hunting, etc.)
  • Professional development
  • Leadership skills


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