Estate Planning for Women

Here’s Why It’s Different

August 16, 2023
2 PM — 3 PM

Jonathan Gudema, Esq.
Jonathan Gudema, Esq.

Many believe that estate planning is … well, estate planning. A one-size-fits-all task, no matter who you are.

But nothing could be farther from the truth.

There are different estate planning strategies for different people. Finances, lifestyle, priorities, family, and gender make a difference when it comes to preparation. And women are definitely part of a group that needs to take special considerations when planning their wills.

Here are just a few things to consider for a woman’s estate plan:

  • Women generally outlive men and need to have a plan for their financial future.
  • Women often need to plan for different health care and end-of-life needs.
  • Women’s estate planning documents often determine what happens to the family assets.
  • Statistics show more than half of widowed or divorced women remarry.
  • Creating a joint will with a partner can impose unforeseen hardships when one partner passes.
  • Women control a little over a third of the US household financial assets ($11 trillion).
  • By 2023-2024, women’s global wealth will be more than \$81 trillion.
  • High net-worth women give 3.5% of their total net worth to charity, nearly double given by men (1.8%).
  • Single women are more likely to give to charity than single men.
  • Single women are more likely to give larger amounts to charity than single men.

As you can see, there’s a lot to consider — and many women aren’t even aware of that fact. How many of them are your supporters?

This webinar will show you what’s at stake, what women can do to better shape their own legacies, and what questions to ask your prospects. You’ll also discover the tools your peers are using to close more Legacy Gifts. 

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CFRE Credits: 1 Points

Jonathan Gudema

Jonathan Gudema, Esq.

Planned Giving Expert

Jonathan is an advisor to ultra high-net-worth individuals. He is also a planned giving consultant and coaches several charities. Jonathan resides in the NY metropolitan area.


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